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Passengers lament poor infrastructural facilities at Lagos airport

“Reasons for infrastructure challenges could be lack of knowledge or transparency to develop or expand the airport. If you want to expand your aviation industry, you need to improve your infrastructure and remove bottlenecks on the aviation industry”.

The above position of the Vice President of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in Africa and Middle East region, Kamil Al-Awadhi can be attributed to the poor services air travelers are being subjected to at international airports across the country.

Top on the lists of the deficient airports is the Murtala Muhammed International airport where most of the facilities there are below standard.

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For a passenger coming from other climes where airports have become a global village, offering speedy services to passengers, such a passenger is bound to be taken aback with the shenanigans that are abound at the airports.

Passengers coming and going out of the country particularly through the Lagos airports have continued to lament the negative impact of the poor facilities on their desire to enjoy their coming home through the airport.

Some of the passengers who spoke to the Nigerian Tribune came hard on the government for failing to upgrade the facilities at the Lagos airport despite the huge funds the airport generates from the same travellers that are being subjected to terrible experience at the airport.

Justina who flew into the country through the Lagos airport from France last Friday, was full of anger against the airport authorities following the experience she faced while waiting to collect her luggage at the baggage reclaim point.

Justina who said her flight touched down at exactly 10.45pm, narrated how she could not leave the airport until after 12 midnight as she had to wait on her feet for almost three hours to get her luggage.

According to her, majority of passengers who arrived on the same flight suffered the same fate due to the epileptic functioning of the conveyor belt.

It was the same story the following Sunday where there were reports of the conveyor belt breaking down which led to long and endless waiting for the passengers.

At the height of the hopelessness, airlines caught in the regular challenges were reported to have approached the officials of the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) to come to their aid.

Among the text messages sent to FAAN stated: “There’s is a serious crisis here please come to our rescue the belt we are told to use is also epileptic. We need urgent attention on the situation of this belt please. We need urgent assistance, please. Belt is not moving”.

Lamenting, an affected passenger declared: “It’s an ugly situation we have here. Passengers who just landed Lagos Airport are here waiting to get their luggage only for the process to be suspended because the conveyor belts are in bad condition”.

Many passengers who were affected by the poor facilities at the airport have also expressed their worries on what to expect in days ahead as the Yuletide draws nearer when the Nigerians in the diaspora will be rushing home with the huge loads to celebrate the festive period in the country.

Meanwhile, FAAN, the government agency at the center of the crisis has called on Nigerians to feel confident to travel through the airports this Yuletide season stating how it the has consistently taken measures to upgrade her security apparatus to ensure safety of life and property of the travelling public .

FAAN, in a statement issued early in the week, enjoined all travellers to be at the airport early enough to reduce rush as well as not to miss their flights .

FAAN in the statement declared: .”The FAAN has expanded the screening area at the airports in order to give passengers a better flying experience. Keep an eye on your valuables while passing through screening. A joint task force at the land side is working relentlessly to ensure the free flow of traffic.

Ensure that you park your vehicle properly at the car park to avoid it being towed away. The Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria wishes all Nigerians and our teaming visitors a very pleasurable holiday in and out of our country. ”

Source: Zawya
