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Angry Residents Storm Into Mackenzie Palatial Home

Angry residents from Kilifi County on Monday, May 1, stormed the palatial home and church of controversial pastor, Paul Mackenzie.

The locals drawn from the Furunzi area in Malindi town gained forceful entry to the home by bringing down a brick perimeter wall, minutes after the police, alongside Mackenzie, visited the premises being treated as a crime scene. 

Chanting for justice, the residents vandalised the property, a few minutes past 7 pm, after police safely evacuated the pastor from his home.

At that time, sleuths drawn from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), ransacked the compound and recovered books and desktop computers believed to contain radicalization materials.

Immediately after police officers left the scene, the residents who had surrounded the home for most of the day stormed the premises. 

They also destroyed building structures and slashed down banana and coconut trees. 

Police officers rushed back to the scene and dispersed the crowd before they could cause further damage.

Until his arrest on Saturday, April 15, Mackenzie used to live with his third wife and mother at the palatial home.

He closed the Good News International Church in 2019 and relocated his operations to Shakahola Forest, where he is believed to have radicalized over 109 followers to starve to death.

A postmortem conducted by government pathologist Johansen Oduor on some of the victims on Monday, May 1, showed that there was a possibility that a number were murdered. 

“Generally, most of them had features of starvation. We saw individuals who had no food in the stomach, and the layer of fat was small in the stomach, but their liver was fatty, indicating starvation. 

“Two of them had cyanosis- a bluish discolouration of fingernails and by inference, we can confirm that it was caused by asphyxiation,” the pathologist stated.

Oduor’s statement came a few hours after Interior Cabinet Secretary Kindiki revealed that there were looking at the possibility of organ harvesting.

“If our people have their organs missing, we will tell the world. There is nothing we are hiding.

“We will find out why the organs are missing, who took them, and where they were taken,” the CS assured Kenyans. 

Source: Kenyans
